

PGE is committed to finding new and innovative approaches to develop Pennsylvania’s resources in a safe and environmentally sensitive manner.  Prior to undertaking any project PGE staff carefully evaluates potential environmental impacts and works with regulators and landowners to develop an effective strategy to protect the environment.  Each Department within PGE’s organization is invested in preserving the environment and has diligently worked to achieve:


  • Reductions of carbon emissions through the use of natural gas to fuel drilling and completion operations
  • Reductions in surface disturbance by drilling up to 11 wells per pad with horizontal bore lengths exceeding 8000′.
  • Minimization of wastes through the effective development of water recycling strategies
  • Continued development and refinement of sound containment strategies to minimize environmental risks
  • The education of contractors and employees to ensure sound environmental practices are implemented

    Click Here to Read about how PGE Converts a Water Impoundment Into a Vernal Pool

    Click here to Read about PGE’s clean-up efforts in collaboration with DEP and DCNR to rid waste from a 1972 hurricane in the Tiadaghton State Forest

    Click Here to Read PGC Wildlife Diversity Regarding the Allegheny Woodrat



    Our culture embraces safety at the heart of everyday tasks. Our corporate safety program extends across our entire business landscape. Processes and standards are developed and applied learning is shared with our employees to ensure they have the knowledge, skills and understanding to perform their duties and assignments safely. PGE has instituted a unified incident command process which prepares our workforce to respond in a safe and responsible manner.

    SAFE, Stay Accident Free Every day is the safety concept to remind employees and contractors about job habits that promote safety through the use of proper documented procedures. PGE’s safety culture is brought to life through training, use of proper equipment, and proper review and planning practices before every job.

    PGE uses ISNetworld to manage, evaluate and qualify contractors to perform work that meets safety standards. Contractors who provide services for PGE are required to manage the safety of their employees as well as that of their sub-contractors. Contractors are assigned a grade based on an assessment which takes into account their written safety programs, safety record, training, meeting insurance requirements and completion of a Master Service Agreement. In addition, contractors log hours and incidents on a monthly basis which provides visibility to contractor performance throughout the year. Risk is assessed by gaining an understanding of job function and evaluation as well as probability considerations which lead to the determination of meeting requirements to proceed as a pre-approved contractor. Please contact for more information about PGE’s safety compliance program.


    Wildlife Around Intake

    Wildlife Around Intake

    Pine Creek Valley

    Pine Creek Valley

    Longtoe Vista in Potter County

    Longtoe Vista in Potter County